Terri Williams

Terri Williams

Contributing Editor

Terri Williams is a writer on the Homes & Gardens Ecommerce team. She has tested hundreds of products - and is grateful to have a large garage - and has product review/recommendation bylines at Architectural Digest, Popular Science, NBC News, USA Today, CNN, Popular Mechanics, The Daily Beast, The Spruce, Realtor.com, and several other sites you’ve probably heard of.

Terri also writes for two Homes & Gardens sister sites: she writes tech reviews for Tom’s Guide, and writes product reviews and home improvement articles for Real Homes.

Terri graduated from the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a degree in English Literature. In a former life, she was a media department manager/video editor. In 2010, Terri was bitten by the writing bug and her first paying clients were eHow, Livestrong, and Yahoo Homes/Yahoo Education.  

When not testing and writing about products, Terri writes business articles for The Economist, and she writes legal andtech articles for the American Bar Association Journal.