Does cinnamon remove mold from soil? We ask the experts

Mold is a harmful substance that can seriously affect the health of soil, luckily, using cinnamon is a great way to dispel mold and protect your plants

Overhead view of a bowl of finely ground cinnamon powder made from the bark of a tree.
(Image credit: Daniel Reiter / Alamy Stock Photo)

Does cinnamon help remove mold from soil? In short, yes. Cinnamon, with its natural fungicidal properties, can indeed play a significant role in preventing and removing mold from soil. It acts by disrupting the membrane integrity of the mold fungus, effectively eliminating it without harming the plants.

‘Mold is never a good sign as mold or fungus is associated with rot and unhealthy soil,’ says Alexander Testel, founder of Frugal Frontier. ‘Sometimes a white material or layer forms on the surface of the soil, the soil naturally has some mold present but an excessive amount can indicate root rot or soil not getting enough water or sunlight.’

Beyond mold removal, cinnamon's application in gardening doesn't end there. It can be used to support seedling growth by protecting young plants from common fungal infections, promoting a healthier start in life for various plant species – so if you haven't tried using cinnamon to remove mold from soil, why not give it a go?

How do you use cinnamon to remove mold from soil?

If the mold on your soil is localized to a small spot, you can simply scoop it out, but if it's on quite a large area, cinnamon can be lightly sprinkled on the soil until the mold or fungus is gone. 

According to gardening expert Diana Cox, it is safe to use cinnamon powder, such as Frontier’s Organic Cinnamon from Amazon, around children, pets, and beneficial insects because it is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, unlike chemical fungicides. You can easily control soil fungus with cinnamon powder, which is an inexpensive alternative that doesn't sacrifice effectiveness. 

However, remember to use cinnamon sparingly, as having too much of it on your soil can disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms, and cause more harm than good.

What other benefits does cinnamon provide soil?

In addition to its potential antifungal properties, cinnamon can also provide some benefits to soil health. It contains compounds that can help improve soil structure and promote microbial activity; essential for nutrient cycling and plant health. 

Furthermore, cinnamon may act as a natural deterrent for pests; ideal for slug control and getting rid of snails, which can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy garden environment. While cinnamon can be used as a part of an overall soil management strategy, plant expert Autumn Hilliard-Knapp recommends addressing underlying issues such as overwatering, poor drainage, or inadequate air circulation, which can contribute to mold growth in the first place.


What is the best natural fungus killer?

Aside from cinnamon, there are a number of natural substances that kill mold and other fungi. Organic neem oil from Amazon is a great alternative. Its effectiveness against mold infestations makes it a go-to solution when dealing with stubborn fungal issues.

Cinnamon is indeed a natural fungicide that can help in the fight against mold in soil. Its antifungal properties make it effective in suppressing mold growth without harming the plants. When applied to soil, cinnamon can help prevent the spread of mold by targeting the fungal spores directly.

This not only helps maintain the health of the soil, but also ensures that the plants can thrive in a mold-free environment. However, it's important to use cinnamon sparingly as excessive amounts can potentially harm the plants you're trying to protect.

We explore more ways you can use cinnamon to prevent mold in our dedicated feature.

Seraphina Di Mizzurati
Contributing Editor

Seraphina is a contributing editor at Homes & Gardens, writing Solved features on organizing and storage. She loves to decorate and also grow her own produce from her home in London. Her previous experience includes working at Women's Health and Fabulous Magazine.