Interior Design

Tricia Guild on seasonal decorating – the Designers Guild way

Tricia Guild, OBE, Founder & Creative Director of Designers Guild tells us how to tackle seasonal decorating

Designers Guild living room with curtains and sofa
(Image credit: Designers Guild)

'Following nature's rhythms in your home is every bit as rewarding as watching the buds of spring blossom open or the autumn leaves start to fall. It connects us with nature and the world around us and also rings the changes in your home so that it moves and changes with the wider surroundings,' says Tricia.

'I remember my grandparents always changing their curtains twice a year for heavier, thickly lined ones in the winter and similarly taking up woollen rugs and throws in the summer, as the weather warmed.

'This does not have to be a costly exercise – in fact a few simple changes can lift your spirits, change your atmosphere and breathe new life into your environment. Think of your home as an extension of your wardrobe – we would swap heavy sweaters for light cotton and so forth so why not treat your home to some easy updates.'

Seasonal decorating – for fall and winter

Below, Tricia – one of the world's leading experts in decorating – divulges her interior design tips around seasonal decorating, starting with fall decor ideas.

1. Add cozy texture with rugs and cushions

Designers Guild rug in living room with sofa

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

Fall is an important time to add comforting layering in your rooms – choosing a rug or two can help add to warmth underfoot.

'It’s time to roll those rugs back into place, swap over your cushions and add some warm, velvety or wool textures to your sofas and living areas.'

2. Layer up your bed

Designers Guild pink bedding in bedroom with shelves behind

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

Styling a bed for fall will rely on great layering, too. 

'Add a cozy quilt to your bed or a soft woollen blanket,' suggests Tricia.

'Now is the time for luxurious, rich towels to make your bathroom feel like a spa. In fact our spa towels are just the ticket.'

3. Create a homely feel with candles

Designers Guild candle

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

The best candles can totally transform a room's atmosphere – and no more so than in fall.

'Scent your home with delicious fragrance – scented candles add another layer to your interior with scent but also twinkling lights feel celebratory and welcoming. A ritual as the nights draw in.'

Seasonal decorating – for spring and summer

Spring and summer seasonal decorating relies on choosing lighter weight fabrics to allow light and air into your rooms.

1. Swap heavy fabrics for lighter materials

Designers Guild bedroom with green bedding

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

'Take up heavy woollen throws and blankets and swap them for lighter linen ones.

'Do the same with your cushions – swap a few velvets or wools for a lighter linen or cotton – our Brera Lino cushions add a crisp freshness.

'Roll up your rugs –now is the perfect time to get them cleaned and store them away for when the clocks go back in the autumn.

'Introduce lighter weight towels in gorgeous colours – our Moselle waffles are a perfect lightweight summer towel.'

2. Bring the outdoors in

Designers Guild living room with curtains and sofa

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

'Bring the outside in – fill a vase with flowers or herbs from the garden and if possible scented ones –  again, it need not be a huge floral arrangement; just a few stems and flowers make a difference.'

3. Dress the garden to extend boundaries

Designers Guild blanket

(Image credit: Designers Guild)

'Make the most of whatever outdoor space you have – an outdoor rug or cushion on even the smallest of balconies makes your outside space feel inviting and extends your space.

'Paint a wall in your garden to reflect your interior – it’s a simple and easy way of extending the boundaries and makes the most of your outdoor space.'

Tricia Guild
Contributing Editor

Tricia Guild OBE is the creative force of Designers Guild and has been at the forefront of interior design since starting the company in the early '70s. Internationally renowned for her passion for color, pattern and texture as well as her signature lifestyle brand and books, Tricia Guild has been setting the pace with her dynamic and innovative collections, instantly recognisable for her unique and contemporary style.